2.3.1. Connectivity

Three of the four Connectivity sub-dimensions contain indicators related to coverage and implementation of different broadband technologies, both fixed and mobile. The fourth sub-dimension, the Broadband Price Index, measures the prices of a number of packages offered for fixed, mobile and broadband of both types.

Table 1 shows the values and positions of each sub-dimension of the dimension relating to Connectivity.

Table 1. Comparison of Connectivity sub-dimensions.
Table 1 Comparison of Connectivity sub-dimensions

Catalonia has above average results in all sub-dimensions, except for the price sub-dimension. Fixed broadband has a very advanced position, both terms of take-up and coverage, slightly less so in terms of mobile broadband. Its lowest position is in the Broadband Price Index.

The contribution of each of the sub-dimensions to the dimension is: 25%, 25%, 35%, and 15% respectively.

Table 2 presents the results of the indicators of the four sub-dimensions of Connectivity.

Table 2. Comparison of Connectivity indicators.
Table 2 Comparison of Connectivity indicators

Catalonia has higher values than the EU-28 average in all indicators related to the Connectivity dimension, except in the Broadband price index, which measures internet access accessibility. Notable is its leadership in Fixed broadband coverage of at least100 Mbps, as well as its position in 4G Coverage. In most indicators, Catalonia is in the top ten.

All indicators have the same weight in the sub-dimension, except Fixed Very High-Capacity Network (VHCN) coverage and 5G network readiness, since they are considered advanced digital technologies.

  1. To obtain broadband coverage indicators of at least 100 Mbps (1a2) and mobile (1c2) estimates have been made from data from Spain (CNMC). 5G readiness (1c3) and the Broadband price index (1d1) indicators have been taken from the indicators in Spain. To for more information, see the methodological note.