6. Appendix - Indicators and definitions
Dimension 1 - Connectivity
Sub-dimension | Indicator | Description | Breakdown | Unit | Source and year |
1.a - Fixed broadband take-up | 1.a.1 - Overall fixed broadband take-up | % of households subscribing to fixed broadband | Total households with a member between the ages of 16 and 74 | % of households | IDESCAT (2019) |
1.a - Fixed broadband take-up | 1.a.2 - At least 100 Mbps fixed broadband take-up | % of households subscribing to fixed broadband of at least 100 Mbps, calculated as overall fixed broadband take-up (source: Eurostat) multiplied with the percentage of fixed broadband lines of at least 100 Mbps | Total households with a member between the ages of 16 and 74 | % of households | CNMC (2019) - IDESCAT (2019) |
1.b - Fixed broadband coverage | 1.b.1 - Fast broadband (NGA) coverage | % of households covered by fized broadband of at least 30 Mbps download. The technologies considered are FTTH, FTTB, Cable Docsis 3.0 and VDSL | All households | % of households | SETID (2019) |
1.b - Fixed broadband coverage | 1.b.2 - Fixed Very High Capacity Network (VHCN) coverage | % of households covered by any fized VHCN. The technologies considered are FTTH and FTTB for 2015-2018 and FTTH, FTTB and Cable Docsis 3.1 for 2019 | All households | % of households | SETID (2019) |
1.c - Mobile broadband | 1.c.1 - 4G coverage | % of populated areas with coverage by 4G - measured as the average coverage of telecom operators in each country | All households | % of households | SETID (2019) |
1.c - Mobile broadband | 1.c.2 - Mobil broadband take-up | Number of mobile data subscriptions per 100 people | All subscriptions | Subscribers per 100 people | CNMC (2019) - IDESCAT (2019) |
1.c - Mobile broadband | 1.c.3 - 5G readiness | The amount of spectrum assigned and ready for 5G use by the end of 2020 within the so-called 5G pioneer bands. These bands are 700 MHz (703-733 MHz and 758-788 MHz), 3.6 GHz (3400-3800 MHz) and 26 GHz (1000 MHz within 24250-27500 MHz). All three spectrum bands have equal weight | 5G pioneer bands | % of harmonised spectrum | EUROSTAT (2019) |
1.d - Broadband price index | 1.d.1 - Broadband price index | The broadband price index measures the prices of representative baskets of fixed, mobile and converged broadband offers | All fixed, mobile and converged broadband offers | Score (0-100) | EUROSTAT (2019) |
Dimension 2 - Human Capital
Sub-dimension | Indicator | Description | Breakdown | Unit | Source and year |
2.a - Internet User Skills | 2.a.1 - At least basic digital skills | Individuals with 'basic' or 'above basic' digital skills in each of the following four dimensions: information, communication, problem solving and software for content creation (as measured by the number of activities carried out during the previous 3 months) | All individuals (aged 16-74) | % individuals (16-74) | INE (2019) |
2.a - Internet User Skills | 2.a.2 - Above basic digital skills | Individuals with 'above basic' digital skills in each of the following four dimensions: information, communication, problem solving and software for content creation (as measured by the number of activities carried out during the previous 3 months) | All individuals (aged 16-74) | % individuals (16-74) | INE (2019) |
2.a - Internet User Skills | 2.a.3 - At least basic software skills | Individuals who, in addition to having used basic software features such as word processing, have used advanced spreadsheet functions, created a presentation or document integrating text, pictures and tables or charts, or written code in a programming language | All individuals (aged 16-74) | % individuals (16-74) | INE (2019) |
2.b - Advanced Skills and Development | 2.b.1 - ICT specialists | Employed ICT specialists. Broad definition based on the ISCO-08 classification and including jobs like ICT service managers, ICT professionals, ICT technicians, ICT installers and services | Individuals in employment aged 16-74 | % employed people (16-74) | IDESCAT (2019) |
2.b - Advanced Skills and Development | 2.b.2 - Female ICT specialists | Employed ICT specialists. Broad definition based on the ISCO-08 classification and including jobs like ICT service managers, ICT professionals, ICT technicians, ICT installers and services | Females in employment aged 16-74 | % employed females (16-74) | IDESCAT (2019) |
2.b - Advanced Skills and Development | 2.b.3 - ICT graduates | Individuals with a degree in ICT | Graduates | % graduates | IDESCAT (2019) |
Dimension 3 - Use of Internet Services
Sub-dimension | Indicator | Description | Breakdown | Unit | Source and year |
3.a - Internet Use | 3.a.1 - People who never used the Internet | Individuals who never used the Internet | All individuals (aged 16-74) | % individuals (16-74) | IDESCAT (2019) |
3.a - Internet Use | 3.a.2 - Internet users | Individuals who used the internet at least once a week | All individuals (aged 16-74) | % individuals (16-74) | IDESCAT (2019) |
3.b - Online activities | 3.b.1 - News | Individuals who used the internet to read online news sites, newspapers or news magazines | All individuals (aged 16-74) | % individuals who used internet in the last 3 months | IDESCAT (2019) |
3.b - Online activities | 3.b.2 - Music, videos and games | Individuals who used the internet to play or download games, images, films or music | All individuals (aged 16-74) | % individuals who used internet in the last 3 months | IDESCAT (2018) |
3.b - Online activities | 3.b.3 - Video on demand | Individuals who used the internet to use video on demand services | All individuals (aged 16-74) | % individuals who used internet in the last 3 months | IDESCAT (2018) |
3.b - Online activities | 3.b.4 - Video calls | Individuals who used the internet to make telephone or video calls (e.g. Skype) | All individuals (aged 16-74) | % individuals who used internet in the last 3 months | IDESCAT (2019) |
3.b - Online activities | 3.b.5 - Social Networks | Individuals who used the internet to participate in Social Networks (create user profile, post messages or other contributions) | All individuals (aged 16-74) | % individuals who used internet in the last 3 months | IDESCAT (2019) |
3.b - Online activities | 3.b.6 - Online courses | Individuals who used the internet to do an online course (on any subject) | All individuals (aged 16-74) | % individuals who used internet in the last 3 months | IDESCAT (2019) |
3.c - Transactions | 3.c.1 - Online banking | Individuals who used the internet to use online banking | All individuals (aged 16-74) | % individuals who used internet in the last 3 months | IDESCAT (2019) |
3.c - Transactions | 3.c.2 - Shopping online | Individuals who ordered goods or services online | All individuals (aged 16-74) | % individuals who used internet in the last 12 months | IDESCAT (2019) |
3.c - Transactions | 3.c.3- Selling online | Individuals who sold goods or services online | All individuals (aged 16-74) | % individuals who used internet in the last 3 months | IDESCAT (2019) |
Dimension 4 - Integration of Digital Technology
Sub-dimension | Indicator | Description | Breakdown | Unit | Source and year |
4.a - Business Digitisation | 4.a.1 - Electronic information sharing | Businesses who have in use an ERP (enterprise resource planning) software package to share information between different functional areas (e.g. accounting, planning, production, marketing) | All enterprises (no financial sector, 10+ employees) | % enterprises (no financial sector, 10+ employees) | IDESCAT (2019) |
4.a - Business Digitisation | 4.a.2 - Social Media | Businesses using two or more of the following social media: social networks, enterprise's blog or microblog, multimedia content sharing websites, wiki-based knowledge sharing tools. Using social media means that the enterprise has a user profile, an account or a user license depending on the requirements and the type of the social media | All enterprises (no financial sector, 10+ employees) | % enterprises (no financial sector, 10+ employees) | IDESCAT (2019) |
4.a - Business Digitisation | 4.a.3 - Big Data | Enterprises analysing big data from any data source | All enterprises (no financial sector, 10+ employees) | % enterprises (no financial sector, 10+ employees) | IDESCAT (2019) |
4.a - Business Digitisation | 4.a.4 - Cloud | Businesses purchasing at least one of the following cloud computing services: hosting of the enterprise's database, accounting software applications, CRM software, computing power | All enterprises (no financial sector, 10+ employees) | % enterprises (no financial sector, 10+ employees) | IDESCAT (2019) |
4.b - e-Commerce | 4.b.1 - SMEs selling online | SMEs selling online (at least 1% of turnover) | SMEs (no financial sector, 10-249 employees) | % SMEs | IDESCAT (2019) |
4.b - e-Commerce | 4.b.2 - e-Commerce turnover | SMEs total turnover from e-commerce | SMEs (no financial sector, 10-249 employees) | % turnover | IDESCAT (2019) |
4.b - e-Commerce | 4.b.3 - Selling online cross-border | SMEs that carried out electronic sales to other EU countries | SMEs (no financial sector, 10-249 employees) | % SMEs | IDESCAT (2019) |
Dimension 5 - Digital Public Services
Sub-dimension | Indicator | Description | Breakdown | Unit | Source and year |
5.a - e-Government | 5.a.1 - e-Government users | Individuals who sent filled forms to public authorities over the internet in the previous 12 months | All individuals (aged 16-74) | % individuals (16-74) | IDESCAT (2019) |
5.a - e-Government | 5.a.2 - Pre-filled forms | Amount of data that is pre-filled in public service online forms | Services assessed in the e-government benchmark | Score (0 a 100) | e-Government Benchmark adapted for Catalonia |
5.a - e-Government | 5.a.3 - Online service completion | The share of administrative steps that can be done online for major life events (birth of a child, new residence, etc.) | Services assessed in the e-Government benchmark | Score (0 a 100) | e-Government Benchmark adapted for Catalonia |
5.a - e-Government | 5.a.4 - Digital public services for business | The indicator broadly reflects the share of public services needed for starting a business and for conducting regular business operations that are available online for domestics as well as for foreign users. Services provided through a portal receive an higher score, services which provide only information (but have to be completed offline) receive a more limited score | Services assessed in the e-Government benchmark | Score (0 a 100) | e-Government Benchmark adapted for Catalonia |
5.a - e-Government | 5.a.5 - Open data | This composite indicator measures to what extent countries have an open data policy in place (including the transposition of the revised PSI Directive), the estimated political, social and economic impact of open data and the characteristics (funcionalities, data availability and usage) of the national data portal | Agregate score | % maximum score | Directorate general of transparency and open data - Government of Catalonia |