This project has been possible thanks to the impetus of the Department of Digital Policies and Public Administration of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the advice of Orkestra-Instituto Vasco de Competitividad, coordination of the Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya (CTecno), the technical elaboration of Market AAD and the support of the i2CAT Foundation.
Carrying out the study required the participation and collaboration of different agents and people. First, for the compilation of information, we would like to thank the collaboration of the Department of Digital Policy and Public Administration, Department of Labor, Social Affairs and Families, Department of Territory and Sustainability, Department of Education, Department of Foreign Affairs, Institutional Relations and Transparency, Diputació de Barcelona, Diputació de Tarragona, Diputació de Lleida, Girona Provincial Council, Barcelona City Council, Tarragona City Council, Lleida City Council, Girona City Council, L'Hospitalet City Council, Terrassa City Council, Tàrrega City Council and Reus City Council. We especially want to emphasize that this study would not have been possible, with the attention to detail that has been achieved, without the invaluable collaboration of the Management General of Transparency and Open Data and the Institute of Statistics of Catalonia (Idescat).